
Companion Animals

flier showing the benefits of therapy dogs/animals in showing that people are not alone and struggling with mental health is okay and normal.

This image shows a happy golden retriever puppy and the caption discusses ways in which therapy animals and companion animals can help with an individuals overall mental health as well as physical health


Therapy Animal’s

April 30th, 2022 celebrated National Therapy Animal Day. On this day, we can come together and celebrated those animals who help make human’s lives easier and more enjoyable.

The Covid-19 pandemic caused people to live a way they were not used to. Individuals had to live in isolation for their safety. This caused an abundance in adoption rates for animals in shelter, which is still continuing through the pandemic.

Animals continue to teach us everyday. They help us understand the importance of caring for another living being. They allow us to feel various emotions, happiness, sadness, excitement and more!

Animals can help humans with many things. Animal contact, alone, can help improve individual’s mental health.


Animals in Society Final Paper (Factory Farming)

Instagram Post #1 continued below
Mass produced meat and dairy products are part of a destructive, wasteful food system.
Factory Farming is a leading driver to wildlife extinction. (Instagram post #2)
Corporations are ignoring the suffering of chickens such as KFC. (Instagram post #3)
Instagram post #4 continued below.
Stop supporting factory farms!!!

Articles for Part Two:

The world’s first legal challenge against factory farming (

5 Ways Factory Farming Is Killing the Environment – One Green Planet


Four Instagram posts that support the idea to consider animals legal persons


Animals and society final assignment

People need to stop seeing these animals as property and see them in more of a personhood perspective.

Farm animals are being killed just for their meat but for dairy as well. Cows that produce dairy do not need to be killed but are being slaughtered anyway.

People chose which animals they want to help instead of helping them all and seeing them as equals. Companion animals are not the only ones who deserve rights.

Baby animals such as pigs are being killed for consumption for fast income.


Animals and Society 2041 Final Assignment

Elisabeth Creaser – Two videos and two social media artifacts


2041 Final Assignment Veganism and the Enviornment

By: Diana lappe

Facts and Statistics showing how this planet needs help, and how choosing a plant-based diet would be beneficial.

how plant based diets can save the environment/ benefits to the environment.

why veganism is beneficial to our planet.


Four Instagram Posts Relating to Factory Farming

This Instagram post is from November 12th, 2021.

This account is United Poultry Concerns and it relates to my 2041 project because it purposefully presents images of young male chicks being tortured and killed because they cant’ lay eggs. Therefore, they are useless and a waste of space and energy within the factory farm. Since this Instagram post promotes veganism, it proceeds to also list different egg alternatives and how they work for baking.

This Instagram post is from September 24th, 2o21.

This account is Mercy For Animals and it relates to my 2041 project because it’s informing its followers how pigs have strong bonds with their young just like humans. Therefore, when factory farms separate mothers from their young, it causes the same distress a human parent and child would feel when separated. The goal of this post is to spread awareness and promote veganism.

This Instagram post is from February 17th, 2022.

This account is Peta and it relates to my 2041 project because this post presents a simple but powerful artwork related to the cruel treatment of factory farming. The drawing displays a dog owner claiming she loves animals while purchasing pork that came from a factory-farmed pig that suffered a painful death. This post promotes treating farm animals the way we do our pets and veganism.

This Instagram post is from April 22nd, 2022.

This account is from Farms Sancturary and it relates to my 2041 project because it discusses different reasons why one should consider going vegan. For the post relating to animals, the account reminds its followers that animals have and express the same emotions we do. Therefore, we shouldn’t allow them to suffer to feed us when there are plenty of other options.


peta looks into mistreatment of chicks by factory farms, plant based food alternatives, and equal rights to animals.

this relates to the 2041 project because the mistreatment of animals is what helped people open up to alternatives.
peta calls for outrage as chickens are inhumanely buried alive by factory farms to stop a flu outbreak.
this is peta advocating for plant based alternatives such as a potato taco with no meat in it.
this is advocating for equal treatment of all earths animals.
